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Learn about Sustainable Living through WWOOFing
No Course Fees Learn from the experts, our hosts available to you, Anytime and Anywhere across Australia Organic practices & techniques, Permaculture design practices & techniques, Biodynamic practices & techniques, Regenerative Agriculture practices &...
WWOOFing, 2nd Year Visa ‘Bushfire Disaster areas ONLY’
On the 17th of February 2020 the Federal Government announced an initiative allowing volunteers in Bushfire Disaster areas to qualify for second and third Working Holiday visas. WWOOF Australia has developed a Volunteer Bushfire Relief Form in consultation with Border...
WWOOF attends OAA ‘Grow Your Knowledge Sessions’
Every month the Organic Australian Association (OAA) continues with its fantastic opportunities to learn and share knowledge about a variety of topics on organic food production, gardening, soil and other related subjects. These fun and informative sessions are...
Join WWOOF this Easter!
The Benefits of WWOOFing When WWOOFing, the basic agreement is *4-6 hours a day of volunteering, in exchange for three meals a day and a place to sleep. Hosts share their knowledge and WWOOFers can spend time learning and honing practical new skills in a wide array of...
March 2021, still unsure?
Easter, School Break and Isolation's lifted, what's holding you back? What is WWOOF? WWOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchanges, helping to...
Fertilizer for Free
Reading through a Grass Roots on the weekend I happened to come across, an ad Rosemary had placed in the Grass Roots Magazine. I love to collect Heirloom Seeds and strongly believe my little growing collection will have an impact on my grandchildren's future one day....
I feel free and young at 48!
WWOOFing around Australia at 48years old. Sharing my experience with the world about WWOOFing around Australia. By Annette B My name is Annette, 48 years old I am originally from SA but now reside in Melbourne Australia. I’ve been renting out my property for the last...
Never to old to learn- Try WWOOFing
You’re never too old to WWOOF, great attitude is all you need. I’m Karin from Germany, 61 years of age and wanted to share my WWOOFing experience with you. In 2009, I travelled the Westcoast of Australia as a WWOOFer, I joined WWOOF because I knew I could travel on a...
Exploring your own Country, WWOOFing
Explore Australia and learn about Sustainable Living from our wonderful Hosts right across Australia Not only is it the most eco affordable way to travel with 2 Year volunteer Memberships, you have the choice to purchase a Single membership, or Dual membership and for...
WWOOFing qualifies for 2nd Year Visa, Bushfire affected areas
Moving forward into 2021, the scars of the 2019/2020 Bushfires still remain. We too can speak personally at the WWOOF Office, both our properties were affected. There is still so much to be done, 13 months on, many are still cleaning up, rebuilding and replanting. We...
Have your plans changed? Try WWOOFing
Endika had never been WWOOFing before, he originally came from Spain to learn about permaculture and self-sufficiency but when he arrived in Australia the pandemic had just started and all the plans he had made came to a halt. After hearing about WWOOFing Endika...
Amazing Hosts
If you want an extended family, genuine, interesting people you can rely on and a wholesome and fulfilling break from all the crazy, then this is the place for you. I've learnt a lot from the Bucheler family, it has been a heartwarming experience that I have shared...
WWOOFers sharing their experience.
Andrew and Serena from Melbourne Victoria We have known about WWOOFing for some time now, we were backpacking around South East Asia 5 years ago and we think we heard about it speaking with other backpackers or perhaps picking up a leaflet in a hostel. We are a...
Are you ready for 2021?
WWOOF Australia survived this summer’s bushfires, COVID, and government red tape that would have killed most businesses, but the challenges of 2020 have only made WWOOF Australia and its members more resilient and stronger than ever. Following the 2020 Bushfires WWOOF...
Only 17 Days until Christmas
WWOOF Memberships are truly a gift that keeps on giving! Give a 2 year WWOOF Volunteer Membership to someone you love A fantastic way to ecotravel Australia Live and Learn with real families, our hosts Work 4 - 6 hours per day (5 days a week) Become job skilled...
The gift that keeps on giving!
Are you ready for Christmas? WWOOF Membership Gift Certificates are truly a gift that keeps on giving! Give a 2 year WWOOF Volunteer Membership to someone you love A fantastic way to ecotravel Australia Live and Learn with real families, our hosts Work 4 - 6...
A fantasy fulfilled-WWOOFing
A Story by WWOOFer Billy Wright Bogong trail rides - Mount Beauty Victoria, a fantasy fulfilled! Westerns were a big part of my childhood. Young Guns, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and the classic Red Dwarf episode Gunmen of the Apocalypse are at the top of a...
Go WWOOFing this Christmas
By Lynette Vint Meet Patrice Newell, WWOOF Australia host from the Upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales. A little bit about Patrice Patrice Newell was once host of The Today Show, but she left the television industry in 1987 with her partner Phillip, to become a...
Have you made THE change?
Written By Lynette Vint Following up on my article I had written back in September, 'Time to look within' because Christmas is just around the corner, and 2021 is not too far away, so where are you at? Did you complete that list of all the things you really wanted to...
The Gift that keeps Giving!
Are you ready for Christmas? WWOOF Membership Gift Certificate are truly a gift that keeps on giving! Give a 2 year WWOOF Volunteer Membership to someone you love. It's a great opportunity to travel with a friend or as a family, live & learn on organic,...

WWOOF Australia acknowledges the Traditional owners of the land on which we work. We honour the ongoing cultural & spiritual connections, heritage, customs & beliefs of Aboriginal people & pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.