Host Profile
My Property
Business Type
Farming methods
Short Property Description
Gaunts is a 500 acre working sheep property that is now in its 4th generation of the Miles family ownership. It also operates Button Cottage circa 1886. Rural Retreat, Waterfall Room function centre & has well established history of hydro power generation. The homestead & rural retreat precinct demeanour is quiet, idyllic with pristine waterfalls, stone walls & spans both sides of the rivulet. Well established garden, expansive lawns, large trees and garden beds.
Volunteering includes restoration of gardens, removing introduced species from the rivulet, replanting, general farm maintenance, mowing, whipper snipping, fertilizing & mulching. Depending on the time of year, sheep work, animal husbandry & fencing.
Accommodation for 2 in our home, shared meals, mixed diet. No children, No smoking. Initial stay 3-5 days, longer stays negotiable.
My Details
The Stay
Can Accommodate
Preferred length of Stay
3-7 days, Longer stays by negotiation
Other options
Meal Procedures
Languages spoken
Diets we cater for
Mixed meals, some meat, some vegetarian
Why I became a WWOOF Host
We joined WWOOF back in 2015 as i thought their was sufficient opportunities for WWOOfers to expereince australian family farm life such as drenching of sheep, drafting of sheep and helping hands in the sheering shed as well as gardening work, so a great mix.