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Guidelines for WWOOF Hosts offering Remote Work and Study Placements, to offer this option, Hosts must: * Provide a private and quiet space for WWOOFers to use to study or work in their free time. * Provide access to reliable Internet (unrestricted or unlimited if possible). * Have mobile phone access or opportunities for Wi-Fi calling access via Internet. * Negotiate flexible WWOOFing times that will facilitate the study or work schedule of their WWOOFers in their free time. * Keep the lines of communication open to discuss any issues that may arise with scheduled online meetings, classes or lectures and arrange WWOOFing around these scheduled times.

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Please indicate if you require WWOOFers to show proof of COVID Vaccination on arrival.

Search for WWOOFers

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Please use your full name*, first/given name and surname/family name. Your name appears at the top of your Profile Page and may also appear on Google* searches. Your name MUST match your Photo ID. *NOTE: If you don't want Google picking up your full name, please put this in the Partner field instead (along with your partner if you have one) and first name/s only in this name field.

Just type in the Languages you can speak: English, German, French ...

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Members directory

Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Regenerative Agriculture, Syntropic farming, Gardening, Propagating, Composting, Soil conservation, Mulching, Pruning, Animal Care, Worm farming, Beekeeping, Dairy, Mustering, Fencing, Building, Natural building methods, Tool making, Using and caring for tools, Handyman, Mechanical, Cheese making, Preserving food, Wild food foraging, Fermenting food, Bread Making, Wine making, Marketing produce, Off-grid living skills, Environmental recovery/regeneration work
Enjoy meeting and working with lovely people. Love sharing skills and learning new skills. Enjoying staying new places and feeling part of the community.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I joined WWOOF through American Institute of Foreign Studies (AIFS) and am interested in learning about life on Australian Organic & Permaculture farms and learning about growing and producing organically.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I would really like to know about farm life in Australia. This would provide me with a hands on first hand experience of life, of people and of how things are different from India. It would be a good opportunity for me to decide what I would like to do in Australia after the period of this Internship.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
It has been my passion to work on a WWOOF and further understand organic farming since I was trained in Farm Start and to further my own growing experiences. To be part of a farm and help understand local water, soil and climate issues and spend time with local real people is important to me . A totally different holiday . Would love to join you
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
For a second visa, and discover australia. And to live with Australian farmers together. And to get out if thé tourist route. And Aldo to sage money on accumodations.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I joined To do the 88days, I want to improve my knowledge about Australian culture by living with them. So i think WWOOF is the best way to interact with autralian people and to know their lifestyle better.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I would love to experience farming in a different country. It is a great opportunity to meet new people. I am travelling for a few months and would love to ground myself for a few weeks.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn:
I did WWOOFING many years ago and really enjoyed it. I look forward to helping you improve your land, while expanding my knowledge base and skill sets.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
Recommended by a friend which I'm travelling with. A good experience to share and a fun way to see different places while travelling. Hopefully a good way to learn a thing or two as well as help out where I can.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I started wwoofering in New Zealand 2020. Through it I met some amazing hosts and life long friends in other wwoofers. It took me around both the North and South Island and taught me skills I would have never imagined I would have gained, such as milking, commercial gardening, deck building, coffee roasting, weeding (heaps of weeding!), and very fortunate all while having a laugh. I’ll never be able to express the appreciation and gratitude I had for my hosts welcoming me into their home, offering me a seat and their table and sharing the passions and skills with me. To become a member of someone’s family when thousands of miles away from home is truly an amazing thing that wwofering offers and what I enjoyed so much from my experience of doing it in New Zealand. So to get back into now in Australia feels like the right time and wanting share the bonds I previously be able to experience.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Regenerative Agriculture, Propagating, Soil conservation, Worm farming, Dairy, Environmental recovery/regeneration work
With 15 years of sales and marketing experience in the petcare and animal health industry, I'm excited to explore my passion for sustainable agroforestry,  indigenous nutrition and regenerative farming. As an aspiring farmer, I believe that WWOOF offers me a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience, learn from experienced hosts, and contribute to sustainable agriculture efforts. I'm passionate about growing biome appropriate native Australian plants, medicinal herbs, fruit and nut trees, as well as shifting to 'home-grown' perrenial food sources. As a volunteer, I'm eager to follow, learn, and reinforce my hosts' processes, and I'm open to working on a variety of farms throughout Australia. Additionally, I'm happy to share my skills in business, project/people management, and marketing with hosts who need help in those areas. Segregated from corporate capitalism, I want to help spread the word about regeneration, permaculture and a shift in mind-set for community led regeneration.  
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I will be in Australia in the middle of April and I would like to have a new travelling experience. And I'm interested to discover life in Australia with the woofing and meet new people.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I want to experience wwoof because it is a healthy activity for me. Also, it is a good opportunity to stay with host because I can learn English. i have not done a farm job, but I will work with full motivation. I
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Gardening, Composting, Pruning, Animal Care, Mustering, Building, Natural building methods, Cheese making, Preserving food, Bread Making, Environmental recovery/regeneration work, Disaster Recovery assistance (for visa extensions)
To offer my assistance, volunteer with projects; learn new skills whilst travelling to different areas of Australia. I have heard many good stories about WWOOFing and I would love to experience this myself.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I want to learn new skills and experience a different way of living. Which is why I think Wwoofing would do just that for me. Also, I don’t have a lot of money left and having a place to stay and eat would be a huge help. This way I could stay and travel Australia longer; for if not I would likely have to return to Canada.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Regenerative Agriculture, Syntropic farming, Gardening, Propagating, Composting, Soil conservation, Mulching, Pruning, Animal Care, Worm farming, Beekeeping, Dairy, Mustering, Natural building methods, Tool making, Using and caring for tools, Handyman, Mechanical, Preserving food, Wild food foraging, Bread Making, Wine making, Off-grid living skills, Environmental recovery/regeneration work
J’ai rejoint Wwoof, parce que j’avais envie de rencontrer du monde, dans un autre environnement de travail que le mien et pour apprendre de nouveaux métiers. Vivre peut être des expériences inoubliables avec des personnes peut-être aussi inoubliables ? J’ai vraiment envie de vivre autre chose que ce que j’ai déjà avec ma vie en France, casser ma routine du social. Je suis vraiment motivée à m’engager sérieusement dans le travail que l’on me confiera, retrouver la joie du travail, surpasser mes limites. J’attend aussi beaucoup de moi même pour cette expérience, pouvoir me surpasser suivant les missions que l’ont pourra me donner, il faudra aussi que je me familiarise avec la langue, (parce que je ne sais pas très bien parler anglais), me prouver à moi même que je peux partir à l’autre bout du monde avec un projet et le réaliser.. I joined Wwoof because I wanted to meet people, in a different work environment than mine, and to learn new jobs. Live can be unforgettable experiences with people perhaps also unforgettable? I really want to live something other than what I already have with my life in France, break my social routine. I am really motivated to engage seriously in the work that will be entrusted to me, to rediscover the joy of work, to surpass my limits. I also expect a lot from myself for this experience, to be able to surpass myself according to the missions that may be given to me, I will also have to familiarize myself with the language, (because I do not know how to speak English very well), prove to myself that I can go to the other side of the world with a project and realize it..
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn:
I joined WWOOF to explore a slower and more sustainable way to travel; taking the time to meet the people from a country who are giving back to the eco system along the way, and hopefully learn about farming.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Regenerative Agriculture, Syntropic farming, Gardening, Propagating, Composting, Soil conservation, Mulching, Pruning, Animal Care, Worm farming, Beekeeping, Dairy, Mustering, Fencing, Natural building methods, Tool making, Using and caring for tools, Handyman, Mechanical, Cheese making, Preserving food, Wild food foraging, Fermenting food, Bread Making, Wine making, Marketing produce, Off-grid living skills, Environmental recovery/regeneration work, Disaster Recovery assistance (for visa extensions)
J'ai rejoint le wwoof parce que je veux rencontrer des gens, avoir une interaction avec les gens du coin. Ces rencontres vont m'inspirer pour mes futurs films. Et je veux améliorer mon anglais. Mon oncle est agriculteur et j'ai travaillé avec lui pendant trois étés. En volaille, arbre fruitier (cerise, abricot). J'aime la ferme et les animaux. J'aime travailler en équipe.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
Have a break from my everyday life, Have a chance to live with locals, Learn about agriculture, Learn about organic growing/farming, Learn about sustainable living, Reconnect with nature, To travel around the country
Last Active: Active 1 year, 11 months ago
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Regenerative Agriculture, Syntropic farming, Gardening, Propagating, Composting, Soil conservation, Mulching, Pruning, Animal Care, Worm farming, Beekeeping, Dairy, Mustering, Fencing, Building, Natural building methods, Tool making, Using and caring for tools, Handyman, Mechanical, Cheese making, Preserving food, Wild food foraging, Fermenting food, Bread Making, Wine making, Marketing produce, Off-grid living skills, Environmental recovery/regeneration work
I join WWOOF because I've already done it in New Zealand and it was good times ! It seems a good solution to meet new local people and have new working experiences here in Australia. I guess WWOOFis a good option not to spend too much money too.

WWOOF Australia acknowledges the Traditional owners of the land on which we work. We honour the ongoing cultural & spiritual connections, heritage, customs & beliefs of Aboriginal people & pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

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