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Guidelines for WWOOF Hosts offering Remote Work and Study Placements, to offer this option, Hosts must: * Provide a private and quiet space for WWOOFers to use to study or work in their free time. * Provide access to reliable Internet (unrestricted or unlimited if possible). * Have mobile phone access or opportunities for Wi-Fi calling access via Internet. * Negotiate flexible WWOOFing times that will facilitate the study or work schedule of their WWOOFers in their free time. * Keep the lines of communication open to discuss any issues that may arise with scheduled online meetings, classes or lectures and arrange WWOOFing around these scheduled times.

Please indicate your COVID-19 Vaccination Status

Please indicate if you require WWOOFers to show proof of COVID Vaccination on arrival.

Search for WWOOFers

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Please use your full name*, first/given name and surname/family name. Your name appears at the top of your Profile Page and may also appear on Google* searches. Your name MUST match your Photo ID. *NOTE: If you don't want Google picking up your full name, please put this in the Partner field instead (along with your partner if you have one) and first name/s only in this name field.

Just type in the Languages you can speak: English, German, French ...

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Please indicate your COVID-19 Vaccination Status

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Members directory

Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 26-35
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Animal Care
It is a dream of mine to one day have my own hobby farm, focused on healthy and sustainable living. Ever since I was a child I have always loved the outdoors and animals. I grew up riding horses and my first job was working at a vet clinic. When I went to university I studied health education and have a masters in Public Health. Since the pandemic, my job is now done remotely (I have PR status) and I would love to take the opportunity to get hands on experience learning how to operate a small sustainable farm, while meeting new people and exploring more of Australia!
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I became interested in organic farming and food production because of a book about ethical life that I read a few years ago. Besides, I've once joined a short term study program in Australia and I liked the atmosphere so I decided to stay again.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 21-25
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I joined WWOOF because I like helping people with their projects and getting to know them and their stories. This has already taught me a lot in human experiences, and nourished my body and my mind!
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 26-35
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I think WWOOFing is the best way to really experience life on a farm. To really get in touch with people! Living in hostels and traveling makes it hard to build relationships as you usually never stay longer than a week. I am interested in farm work and in the Australian culture!
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 18-20
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Gardening, Animal Care, Dairy, Disaster Recovery assistance (for visa extensions)
I joined WWOOF through AIFS and l am interested in learning about life on Australian Organic & Permaculture farms and learning about growing and producing organically.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 18-20
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I joined WWOOF through AIFS and l am interested in learning about life on Australian Organic & Permaculture farms and learning about growing and producing organically.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 18-20
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I joined WWOOF through American Institute of Foreign Studies (AIFS) and am interested in learning about life on Australian Organic & Permaculture farms and learning about growing and producing organically.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I’m joining WWOOF for the chance to find work and and broaden my opportunities im also joining so I can gain my second year. I am trying to discover new experiences and people. I want to find places I can really put my all into and to get stuck into he Australlian work and life culture as much as I can.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 21-25
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Animal Care
I want join WWOOF to find and to contact different farm and after that work with a team. I want meet people for learn english and discover other cultures. I love the manual work and construcion. I'm ready to work in farms.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: 21-25
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I'm joining WWOOF to experience the Australian way of life. I hope I will be able to help you and meet your needs. 元々オーストラリアのニューサウスウエールズ州に行く予定があったが、大洪水に見舞われ一度断念した。行く場所を変更しようと考えたがせっかくなら復興のお手伝いをしようと思いWWOOFに参加した。 Translation: Originally, I was planning to go to New South Wales, Australia, but I gave up once because of a big flood. I thought about changing the place to go, but I participated in WWOOF because I wanted to help with the reconstruction.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 6 months ago
Age: Not selected
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Composting, Animal Care, Natural building methods, Tool making, Wild food foraging, Off-grid living skills, Environmental recovery/regeneration work, Disaster Recovery assistance (for visa extensions)
My desire to start WWOOFing was sparked by my desire to travel since I believe it will enable me to do so more affordably and provide me with a wonderful opportunity to see a different culture. I really adore the idea of living on a farm; I've always been around them and animals, so I think I'd fit in just fine. I hope to gain a variety of things from WWOOFing, including new knowledge and skills from various cultures, friendships, the chance to experience life in a different way, the opportunity to travel and see a different region of the world, and the ability to appreciate the beauty of this planet and all it has to offer. I'm also really interested in lending a hand in areas of need through volunteering.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Age: 26-35
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I came to Australia because I wanted to experience a farm job. Tokyo is a big city, and I don't feel much nature. I thought I would be able to feel the nature of Australia and meet many wonderful people. I want to enjoy wonderful nature and work with everyone!
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Age: 21-25
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I join WWOOF to be able to learn new things that are far from my work field and that can be really helpful in my future life. Also, I wanted to travel Australia and doing it that way allows me to meet a lot of great people I hope and to be as closest as possible of how poeple lives here!
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Skills I Want to Learn:
I‘m interested in organic an regenerative farming and would like to learn more about this. Additionally, I like the work on small organic farms and would like to support this concept.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Age: 26-35
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Fermenting food, Wine making
I am looking to fill my gap year and explore my interest in working in agriculture. I hope to meet new people, work with my hands, be outside, and learn.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Age: 18-20
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I joined WWOOF through American Institute of Foreign Studies (AIFS) and am interested in learning about life on Australian Organic & Permaculture farms and learning about growing and producing organically.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Age: Not selected
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I joined WWOOF to learn more about sustainable agriculture and to get an opportunity to travel around Australia. I am very passionate about growing organic produce and would like to live off-grid in the future, so this would give me the opportunity to learn how to do that.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Age: 21-25
Gender: Female
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques, Animal Care
I joined WWOOF as a way to travel with more intention. I want to learn more about different ways of life, people, and farming practices. Throughout my time WWOOFing, I hope to gain valuable memories and experiences that will carry me onto the next chapter of my life. I am also looking for places where I can work to complete my last semester of school online in my free time. I am extremely excited to explore beautiful new places that I could only have dreamed of before, along with meeting all types of wonderful people along the way.
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I want to learn farming and nature related skills. I worked previously in hospitality in Sydney and Melbourne, but right now I would love to find a small job more related to ecology, which is a very essential domain today. That is why I joined WWOOFing!
Last Active: Active 1 year, 7 months ago
Age: 21-25
Gender: Male
Skills I Want to Learn: Organic Practices, Permaculture/Biodynamics, Biodynamics practices and techniques
I'm currently working as a student to prepare my master of engineering in energies. I like sports like running & gymnastic, I play piano and video games during my free time. Travelling to Australia has been a dream for me for many years now, and WWOOFing would be for me a great opportunities before getting into work. I would like to discover new things and get out of my comfort zone by travelling through the other end of the planet to see what's happening outside of my everyday life. I'm a bit shy and introvert, and this experience could help me out to flourish and reaching out to others. I'm also listening and humble. Thank you for reading me. 🙂

WWOOF Australia acknowledges the Traditional owners of the land on which we work. We honour the ongoing cultural & spiritual connections, heritage, customs & beliefs of Aboriginal people & pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

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