Hello and Welcome to our new subscribers, we hope that you are getting the rain (or not) and that you had a bountiful Autumn harvest.


With the complexities of Workcover and Farm Insurance, and from feedback from Hosts we are currently in discussions with an underwriter for an Insurance Policy that Hosts can take out to cover them for having Volunteers (WWOOFers) on their property. As soon as we finalise this we will send out detailed information to Hosts via email.

Reviews & Feedback

More and more members are utilising the Review feature of their Membership which is great! From time to time there are reviews left with the minimum stars. If these reviews are not defamatory or accusatory we leave them published as honest reviews are important in allowing all members to make informed decisions using WWOOF Australia.

Guestbook Pages

On joining we send all Hosts a sample Guestbook Page . One of our Host Guidelines is that all Hosts will keep a Guestbook for WWOOFers to sign in and record their Membership details. This is an important step we have found Hosts have been missing. It is an obligation that you record the stay of your WWOOFers and their information in case of emergency, to assist police and immigration and as a keepsake. Once a WWOOFers membership has expired all of their contact details are lost and you will not be able to retain any correspondence.
If we do receive a complaint from another WWOOFer staying at your property we will ask you for details of past WWOOFers who have stayed so that we may contact them for unbiased reviews on their stay on your property.

Future Feeders survey

Future Feeders (@futurefeeders on Instagram) are conducting a national survey of small scale farmers to help understand the challenges and opportunities for the sector. Have your say at  Small Farms Count

UK-Australia trade deal

From 1 July 2024​​ UK passport holders can be granted up to three separate Working Holiday visas without having to meet any specified work requirements. The new arrangements will apply to all Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa applications from UK passport holders lodged from the date the relevant change commences (01/07/2024).

Changes to the Calendar

Currently we are exploring a more interactive Calendar on all WWOOF Profiles. This will enable WWOOFers to request to ‘book’ dates they wish to stay with a particular Host. Once a WWOOFer sends this request to the Host it will remain in ‘pending’ until negotiations are complete and the Host has accepted the booking.

WWOOF Australia T-Shirts

WWOOF Australia T-Shirts are available in the WWOOF Shop for $36.00. The fabric is 60% recycled organic cotton blended with 40% PET bottles – a lovely soft, sustainable T-Shirt. Perfect to gift your WWOOFer or wear to be visible on pick-up.

Blogs and News

Our latest Blog features Joes Connected Garden & Andrews Urban Farm in Elizabeth Grove SA. An incredible story of community. To read our latest Blogs check out the News section of our webpage.Please send us an email wwoof@wwoof.com.au or give us a call if you have any questions,

Tam & Emma

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