Meet Heather and David Bray! WWOOF Hosts for 8 years.

For 35 years now, on 940 acres of diverse plateau-edge forest with spectacular gorge pools and waterfalls, we two zoologists have created an off-grid – solar, gravity, wood and people powered – experiment in sustainable food gardening and land, fire and wildlife management. A recent Landcare grant and enthusiastic community collaboration is enabling us to deal with a new climate related invasion of lantana weed, but we also help on other exciting community projects such as the Oxygen Farm, the old sawmill rehabilitation, and  organic lunches for various community groups.


We  collect cow manure from our 3km driveway and slash and rake paddock grass to make a wonderful wormy compost for feeding the extensive edible plantings. We are currently planting summer vegie crops and still harvesting and eating winter snow peas, cauliflowercabbagebroccoliruby chard, carrots etc Good Tucker is high on our priorities !!

If you would like to learn all about sustainability its time to go WWOOFing now!


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