Biochar Workshop & Discussion Group




It is my intention is to do a Biochar burn on Sun the 1st, Sat the 7th, OR Sun the 8th of November, and I invite anyone interested in Biochar, the process or use, and/or that is willing to contribute their knowledge to attend.

The day will proceed no later than 10am with a preliminary insight into my experiences to-date, followed by hands-on Biochar generation, a process that will continue for something like 5 Hrs. During this extended period, discussion, input and questions relating to methods, results and use will be expressly welcomed.

For those that do not access the initial presentation, a handout will be available and there will be a record maintained of questions, answers and points of discussion.

With the forecast literally changing by the hour, the day of the event is yet to be confirmed. Fortunately or unfortunately, to support the undertaking it cannot be raining, underfoot conditions need to be dry, and wind activity needs to be low, the day preferably cooler.

Covid 19 requirements must be respected, with the wearing of masks and the maintaining of social distancing. It is possible that no more than 10 people will be able to attend at a given time, so dependent on numbers, attendance may have to be staggered. Phoning in before your arrival will be preferred.

I ask that anyone interested register with me, indicating which of the days they anticipate they will be able to attend, and I will provide confirmation of the date as soon as I can.

The event is in the open at a location a few minutes west of Bairnsdale, with anyone registering receiving additional directions.

BYO food, drink, seating, gloves and face shield as desired or required. A toilet will be made available.

To register, utilise the OAA online contact form, email or phone/text: 0429 889 479.

Members and non members all welcome.


The OAA is continuing with the monthly opportunities to learn more and share knowledge about a variety of topics on organic food production, gardening, and other related subjects. These fun and informative sessions are commonly organised for the first Thursday of each month, 1.00 to 2.30pm at the Organic Centre, 14 McKean Street, Bairnsdale.

You must wear a mask and uphold Social Distancing.

The next workshop will be Thursday the 5th of November, 2020, at 1:00pm.


  • Managing tomato pests and diseases
  • Selecting varieties
  • Propagating, including grafting

Seeds and seedlings will be available.

Presenters: Alan Broughton and Sharon Dent – Attendees are invited to share your knowledge.

To confirm your interest or for further information, utilise the OAA online contact form, email: or phone/text: 0429 889 479.

Confirmation to follow, however, numbers may be limited to 10 in which case registration will be required.

The presentation will be outside.

Kind Regards and keep safe,

Stephen Cross


Organic Agriculture Association Inc.

14 Mckean St / PO Box 1263, Bairnsdale, Vic 3875

Mob: 0429 889 479   Web:


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