Georgia Bailey

Host Profile

My Property

Business Type

Small/Non-commercial farm

Farming methods


Short Property Description

The Wellness Garden is just north of Noosa, near the market town of Pomona. The property is only 5 acres, however we have native bushland, a creek, a dam with many beautiful birds, 4 dogs, 2 cats and a chicken. The garden has grown organic vegetables and using permaculture methodology for the last 10 years, offering healthy delicious vegetables for a local retreat centre, markets, and barter. During the big rains and floods of 2022, the house and property was badly damaged. We lost many trees and the complete vegetable garden. And now we are rebuilding. We want to regenerate the areas most severely damaged, and reclaim the vegetable garden, being mindful what has been learnt from the rains and floods.

My Details

The Stay

Why I became a WWOOF Host

Many friends have had wonderful experiences with their wwoofers and it is a wonderful community. Also, many hands make light work, interesting conversation, and joy whilst in the garden. Receiving some help regenerating the land will happen sooner with help of like minded people that love the land.



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