
Host Profile

    My Property

    Business Type

    Small/Non-commercial farm

    Farming methods


    Short Property Description

    • We are a small family farm 45km out of Mudgee that offers goat hire, permaculture design and permaculture implementation. We run our farm using regenerative principles and permaculture design, we have goats, cattle, chooks, ducks, rabbits and tree crops all on a small scale. We also have two children that we free range 😛 . We have a spare room in our house with a queen bed.

    Organic/Biological methods we use

    We practice permaculture so we use organic/biological methods in all that we do. We use goats for weed management, we use our chooks to process compost, we use rotational grazing to encourage healthier pasture and include animals in all our systems to recycle organic material into fertility.

    My Details





    The Stay

    Why I became a WWOOF Host

    We’d love to offer an opportunity to people to stay in our beautiful part of the world and gain some new experiences while helping us set up our farm



    Availability Calendar

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