Are you following the Host Guidelines?
WWOOF Hosts must:
- Grow or produce organic products.
- Provide experiences to WWOOFers in organic farming/gardening techniques.
- Provide all food & clean comfortable accommodation to WWOOFers in exchange for 4 – 6 hours of farming/gardening type work per day.
- Be an ‘Ambassador for Australia’ & provide a safe haven for WWOOFers & engage in mutual cultural exchange.
- Treat WWOOFers with respect and consideration.
All WWOOFers should maintain an accurate profile on our website. Please check each WWOOFers photo ID on arrival.
Most WWOOFers WILL have a WWOOF App on their mobile device. Some may have a WWOOF book. If a WWOOFer’s ID does not match their website profile or the name on their WWOOF Book you can refuse to Host them, or assist them to join WWOOF. Only current WWOOFers have insurance cover.
You are accepting total strangers, most of whom have not had a Police check, into your home. We require Hosts to keep a Guestbook for WWOOFers where they record their Membership number or user name, full name, visa type & dates of their visit. When WWOOFers do not have a membership, contact us and we will arrange their membership or help them to join online.
The most important experience for WWOOFers is learning about your farming / gardening methods and problems – please be patient & available by working with them whenever possible. You must show them how equipment works to avoid breakages & injuries.
We ask you to provide a variety of jobs, even if they are very basic. To some people they maybe a totally new experience. Include WWOOFers in the whole routine of your property, do not isolate them. Working alone or weeding for 4 hours can be boring.
WWOOFers should be told about anticipated work patterns so they can organise their free time. They should expect to do 4 to 6 hours of farm / gardening work in exchange for a day’s food & board (depending on factors like season, workload, quality of your input & their output, quality of accommodation, etc). Hours can be flexible so WWOOFers have free days, but this must be discussed, along with types of work, working conditions, days off, etc on initial inquiry to avoid misunderstandings. Long term WWOOFers need days off regularly, if possible a 5 day work schedule in 7 days is preferred, a maximum of 38 hrs per 7 days. Housekeeping must not be the primary work given to WWOOFers. Hospitality work, waiting tables, cleaning rooms in a B&B & childcare are not appropriate types of work for WWOOFers.
Most Hosts provide accommodation in a spare room in their home; WWOOFers eat with the family & share in the chores, however a caravan, cabin, tent or a self-contained dwelling are acceptable alternatives, but please make this clear in your profile & at booking. Ask WWOOFers about any special diets on initial inquiry, if you do not cater for special diets, clear this up then to avoiding problems later.
Accommodation & food preparation areas must be hygienic. Food & bedding should be adequate, especially if dealing with travellers from warmer areas than yours. Food should be fresh & organic where possible. Inadequate & dirty accommodation, bedding & food are WWOOFers main complaints.
Hosts are Ambassadors for Australia. It is important in the spirit of cultural exchange, to treat all your WWOOFers as one of the family & assist them to receive suitable medical treatment if necessary.
Many WWOOFers use public transport. Hosts who get the most out of the program are prepared to pick up WWOOFers from the closest terminal at an arranged time. Ensure you exchange mobile numbers in case of problems.
We recommend you invite WWOOFers for short stays initially, then negotiate longer stays if you are both happy with each other. If WWOOFers don’t abide by your ‘house rules’ or follow the WWOOF Guidelines you may ask them to leave. (It may help to facilitate this by offering internet or phone access to find another place to stay, offer them a lift to town, bus or the nearest Hostel.)
Abusive language, inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated! If we receive complaints of this nature, your profile will be removed from the book (see COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE).
WWOOF reserves the right to refuse to list a Host or to remove a Host from the program as we see fit. We will edit profiles as necessary. As long as your profile gives clear and accurate information you should have no problems.
WWOOFing is strictly voluntary. Hosts must be fully aware of the different regulations governing holders of Working Holiday Student & Visitor visas. See & for up to date information.
Hosts must not involve WWOOFers in any project involving the use of chemicals, i.e. herbicides/pesticides etc & must comply with Work Cover Legislation & Occupational Health & Safety Requirements, including the provision of all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
WWOOF reserves the right to amend/update these guidelines as required.
NOTE: WWOOF cannot condone the breaking of State and/or Federal laws. WWOOF reserves the right to cancel a Hosts membership immediately if we believe the Hosts’ actions may bring the name of the WWOOF program into disrepute.