Belinda & Jordan were fantastic hosts and are very considerate people who made sure I was happy, comfortable, and well-looked after. It was good fun helping them construct the rabbit-proof fence to go around their large veggie enclosure and getting to know the animals at home. As well as learning new ways to do the fencing and how to care for the rabbits & ducks, I brushed up on plant knowledge, permaculture, and a few other tricks too. Whilst working we had plenty of cuppas & enjoyable conversations and at home, we enjoyed plenty of great food. Belinda & Jordan kindly took me on a trip to Mitta, a hike up Mt Lawson State Park, and lent me their bicycle to explore the Rail Trail. I always felt relaxed, work was laid back & we went at our own pace to achieve a satisfying result as a team. It was a great stay and highly recommended. Best of luck with everything going forward and thanks again for having me! – Luke

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