Have hosted since 2008 over 80 wwoofers – it’s a marvellous enhancement to our farm life. Enjoyed getting to know so many wwoofers from many countries. Especially enjoy the evening games of Scrabble where it becomes evident how good their English skills truly are – far beyond their speech. I generously don’t score and let wwoofers use double the tiles to help it be more enjoyable for them – not so confronting – one night a woofer laid down the word PHENOMENAL!!! My loveliest feedback comment was from a Korean who had spent 1 month in an English school in Sydney inside at a desk – he said 1 week with me on our farm helped his English better than the costly month’s tuition.
Any farm can quickly get out of hand, but with the gentle wwoofers coming through with one job at a time ticking over – the farm continues to be maintained.
Would love more woofers – year after year we don’t get enough.

Host VM161 Kathleen Cameron

Kathleen Cameron

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