To Anyone thinking of becoming a host, do it.
My first WWOOFer was Ben from England it was his first time as a WWOOFer and mine as a host and I honestly thought he was so good that no one could be the same and I was a little scared about having any more. Six months later and saying goodbyes to five more has proved to me that it has been worth every bit of the experience. Tiwian, France, Germany and Hong Kong, these wonderful young people have blown me away with their hard working ethics and the keen want of knowledge which has sparked my own more so. I have fribromyalgia which means I live with daily pain but having my WWOOFers has mean’t I can continue with my Therapy Animals and the visitors that come here for different activities in less pain. It is a slow start to what I wish to achieve here but the progress has been huge with the help of these wonderful people. I look forward to many more years of WWOOFing together

Glenda Douglass

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